Calderwood Engineering is a structural engineering company with extensive Bridge Design & Construction Engineering Experience. We have been involved in building restoration, rehabilitation, retrofit, and of course new construction. No project is too big or too small for us, our engineering staff is well versed in all applicable design codes. We can and have performed services for anything from a light timber framed residential building to a complicated steel bridge truss.

Contact us with your question, and a brief description of the task you have in mind and we will be happy to provide you with a current fee schedule, and will keep you informed as to our current availability.

Our Engineers are licensed in

  • Maine

  • New Hampshire

  • Massachusetts

  • Vermont

Services we offer

  • Structural Design

  • Bridge Design & Detailing

  • Construction Engineering Support & Design

  • Construction Inspection & Documentation

  • Site Plan Development

  • Concrete & Steel Shop Drawing Details

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